Selasa, 15 Juli 2014


I will introducing about DEVDAN. The word DEVDAN comes from Sanskirt “DEVA” and “DHANA” meaning “GOOD’S GRACE” Devdan is located at Bali Nusa Dua Theater , BTDC Nusa Dua Bali. Its about 30 minutes from the Airport. For fee enterance there are 4 catagories ticket it is VIP Catagories the price is Rp. 1000.000/person , A Catagories the price is Rp. 600.000/person , B Catagories the price is Rp 450.000/person, Catagories C the price is Rp. 350.000/person Show duration inDevdan about 90 minutes every Monday,Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. In Devdan you can watch the beautiful Culture in Bali, Sumatera,Java,Borneo and Papua Alright,

 I will tell you a little bit about story during the show. The Devdan story begins when two young children who are parts of a tourist group in Bali fell bored with the tour itenerary and set themselves apart from the group to climb toward a cliff that has grabbed their attention. They find a treasure magic chest containing various unique items that will bring them, and the audience in a journey to witness the treasure of Indonesia. Devdan show is a spectacular modern & contemporary acrobatic dance performance which is inspired by the culture of Indonesia and the audience is taken on a magical whirlwind tour of the Indonesian Archipelago. The performance is unique because of its focus on the diversity of cultures across Indonesia, from Bali to Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Papua with an extensive array of special effects, acrobatics and traditional dance, so Devdan will introduce you to the high-energy visual tour of Indonesia's culture and diversity. 

This Bali show features a fusion of traditional Indonesian dance activities with modern contemporary dance, world-class aerial acrobatic attractions, dazzling costumes and hi-tech special effects. In addition to the diversity and uniqueness of the traditional dances, costumes and music from around Indonesia, deliberately blended into the performance is contemporary music and "hip hop" dance, making the show very dynamic and entertaining for audiences of all ages from around the world. The show is one of the most amazing Bali attractions and ensures to provide a perfect choice to fulfill your entertainment activities during your stay in Bali. There were a lot of “wow” factors in this show, rain coming down on the set, confetti shooting out to the audience, dancers coming down the aisles of the seats and plenty of smoke and fire. The show was created in Bali with the aspiration to introduce and entertain guests with the artistic and natural attractions that are alive in Bali and Indonesia. 

The show is performing at Bali's newest and most advanced theatrical complex's located in the heart of Nusa Dua Bali, Bali's number one tourist and entertainment area. Acrobats and artists from around Indonesia are ensured to provide guests with one of the most memorable attractions during their visit to Bali. Be sure to book your seat early and get ready for the most amazing Bali show available.

 If you would like to request the show for any event for your self you can contact for more information : 
Phone number : +62 361 770 197
 Fax : +62 361 770 196 
Website : 

Oke that all about DEVDAN TREASURE of the ARCHIPELAGO

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